Thursday, June 17, 2010

Xslimmer 1.7.8

Your Mac, on a Diet!

Xslimmer removes wasted space on your Mac's hard drive by removing the binary from either its PowerPC or Intel code (depending on the system architecture used)

Version 1.7.8:
fixes architecture detection for i7-powered MacBook Pros, which were being incorrectly identified as 32-bit systems. It also reinstates the slim-install feature, which was mistakenly lost in a previous release.
MacBook Pro with i7 CPU is correctly identified as 64-bit capable.
The i7 CPU in MacBook Pros is advertised by the system as belonging to a different chip family than the i7 CPUs found in iMacs, and that caused a confusion in Xslimmer which has been fixed now.
In addition, the 64bit capability check has been made much more robust, so new CPU families introduced in the future should no longer make Xslimmer become confused.
"Slim and install from read-only volumes" is working again.
The feature, intended to slim apps dragged from .dmg files or read-only volumes then install them in /Applications, was inadvertently lost in a previous release.

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