Saturday, November 21, 2009

SubEthaEdit 3.5.2

SubEthaEdit... Wouldn't it be great to edit the same document, live, in realtime, together with everyone in your group? With SubEthaEdit you can. The idea of collaborative editing has been researched for years, with notable results. But now for the first time it has been implemented in a way you actually want to use: While doing complex calculations under the hood to ensure correct behavior with mulitple users, to you SubEthaEdit is just as easy to use as a traditional text editor.

SubEthaEdit is a powerful and lean text editor. And it's the only collaborative one you can actually use. By combining the ease of Bonjour with the world's best text collaboration engine, it makes working together not only possible but even fun.

Version 3.5.2:

New Features:

* Added Erlang mode
* Added Go mode
* Added per mode option for the Tab key to indent and outdent when something is selected. Defaults to on.
* Improved the Objective-C mode by adding Cocoa Touch properties and minor missing functions to the autocompletion.
* Enabled support for Snow Leopard's text substitutions.


* Improved handling of modes which require a higher SubEthaEngine for future compatiblity.
* Switched out-of-the-box default encoding to UTF-8.


* Fixed an issue with Snow Leopard which caused continuous spell checking to behave strangely.
* Fixed an issue with the live Web Preview where folded text did not appear in the preview.
* Fixed an issue with the live Web Preview where some base URLs would prevent the preview from updating.
* Fixed an issue with extended regex mode in which the find progress indicator would not stop for certain expressions.
* Fixed issues with folding and encoding conversion.
* Fixed an issue which caused URLs containing non-ascii characters not to be recognized correctly.
* Fixed an issue that caused the script menu to be missing from the context menu.

Mac OS X 10.4 or later.
Size: 7.69 MB

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