Saturday, November 21, 2009

DiskWarrior 4.2.909

Product Description:
DiskWarrior 4.2 maintain, repair, recover system disk / drive data

The Essential Mac Disk Utility
Everything just disappeared after your Mac went haywire. All your work documents. The music you most enjoy. The movie of your kid's first steps. It's your life and it's gone. Don't panic! DiskWarrior will find your documents, photos, music and any other files when disaster strikes and things go missing.
Perhaps you've tried to open a document and all that happens is a color wheel that spins and spins and spins… Or when your Mac starts up, all you get is a blinking question mark… Or you were in the middle of editing a movie and now your external hard disk isn't on the desktop… Or your MP3s won't play... Or every time you look through your photos, your Mac crashes. DiskWarrior gets you back up and running fast!

Mac System Requirements

DiskWarrior 4 supports any Mac OS Standard (HFS) or Mac OS Extended (HFS Plus) disk including RAID volumes, journaled disks, case-sensitive disks, FileVaults, Time Machine backups and iPods.
DiskWarrior requires a G3 Mac or better (such as a G4, G5 or any Intel processor) with built-in FireWire and a minimum 256 MB RAM (512 MB recommended) to start up and run from the DiskWarrior CD regardless of what operating system is installed on the disk to be rebuilt.
NOTE: The current DiskWarrior CD cannot start up the new Mac Pro and Xserve models introduced on 01/08/2008 and the MacBook Air introduced on 01/15/2008. A new CD revision will be released soon.
To install, you must be started from Mac OS X 10.3.9 through 10.5 with at least 256 MB RAM. DiskWarrior 4 version 4.1 is completely compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. The older DiskWarrior 4 version 4.0 has some compatibility issues when running an installed copy of DiskWarrior under Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (see this support database entry). Alsoft recommends that you don't run DiskWarrior 4 version 4.0 while started from Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. You will soon be able to download the free DiskWarrior 4 version 4.1 CD Update. When available, this free updater will allow you to create a new startup CD containing DiskWarrior 4 version 4.1.

Support News

08/27/2009 - New DiskWarrior 4 version 4.2 Released for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Compatibility
DiskWarrior 4 version 4.2 is now available for compatibility with Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard). Among the new features in version 4.2 are enhanced and faster directory repairs. Click here for limitations on using the older DiskWarrior version 4.0 or 4.1 with Snow Leopard.

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