Thursday, April 29, 2010

Numerology 2.3 (Mac OSX)

Numerology 2.3 | Mac OS X | 15.9 MB

Numerology is a modular sequencing environment designed for performing musicians. It works by giving the user an organized workspace within which they can quickly create and connect together a variety of highly functional sequencing and MIDI event generating modules. As a fully modular environment, the user can construct sequencing instruments that fit their own unique and twisted requirements. The sequencers follow a model similar to that used by analog sequencers: the user creates sequences of control values that can be routed to other modules to control generation of notes or MIDI CC and Pitch Bend messages. Most current digital sequencers are based on a design that is very similar to a tape recorder. They have three distinct modes: record, edit, play? with little or no integration between these modes, and the edit mode invariably has more in common with a word processor than a musical instrument. These programs can be very powerful, but also cumbersome to use, especially in a live or improvisational context.

The Numerology approach is to offer fully featured modules that provide the immediacy and fun factor that analog sequencing provides, in an environment where the musician can take full advantage of their possibilities. Numerology provides a selection of carefully designed features, such as groups, presets, and navigation and mixing functions that combine to offer a sequencing environment with the flexibility and interactivity of a fully modular system

System requirements:
Mac Platform: UB
OS version: 10.4 and later

What’s New
Version 2.3:
Launchpad updates:
* Fixed a module layout issue with the RackNav page
* The RackNav page now updates automatically when you delete a module
* Fixed a drawing issue with DrumSeq’s longer than 16 steps.
Other fixes & updates
* Fixed a drawing error with the ModulationSeq when the transport is moving.
* Drag-n-Drop of mp3 and m4a files into the AudioSample and DrumKit modules is now supported.
* You can now import mp3 and m4a files in the DrumKit (was already supported in the AudioSample module).
* Fixed a some stuff in the rendering code that could cause audio dropouts.

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